40 Reflections turning 40 ...

This year I turn forty, I’m personally very excited about crossing this threshold, ageing isn’t something that bothers me.

I believe it’s a privilege, and it’s important to embrace this. It doesn’t mean things don’t feel tough sometimes of course I know that.

With everything that I’ve been through health wise over the years and how challenging it has been at times. It’s really made me look beyond age, and I think there’s a lot of conditioning around this too. I grew up with a Mum who was unbothered by age, and I’m grateful to have that as a deep inner knowing.

The narrative needs to be changed around ageing, with less emphasis on youth being the most prized thing. Which as I personally know youth means very little when faced with the challenges I did, your perspective changes after an experience like that.

The most important thing I believe as we move through life, is integration and presence and a deep appreciation for where you are at. Life is always moving forward whether we are stuck in old conditioning or in an outdated idea, so we may as well get on board.

Here’s my cliche list of forty things I’ve learned:

  1. Age is simply a number whether we like it or not.

  2. Being surrounded by good supportive people is key.

  3. Having good friends is a gift, especially in rough times and ones who have your back and love you when you can’t quite remember too.

  4. Well being and peace of mind are the most important thing.

  5. Owning who you are and what you're about takes you further.

  6. Sometimes you gotta start before you're ready, its never to late to start either.

  7. It’s ok to be different.

  8. Never stop learning, there will be lots you need to unlearn too, all of this is important.

  9. Sharing your story and experiences can be scary but is so worth it.

  10. Travel is expansive, and even better do it with people you love.

  11. Nourish your body, it’ll thank you.

  12. Challenge your own narratives, for me I certainly had to do this becoming a wheelchair user.

  13. Trust your instincts, it took me a lot of questioning with my body but ultimately trusting that led  me to answers.

  14. Grief isn’t linear, and learning that grief is important at stages of our life.

  15. Losing someone you love deeply, shifts your perspectives, what I do know is that love always remains.

  16. Recognising what works for you may not work for another and vice versa, is important.

  17. Music is healing.

  18. Appreciate your body, it’s what you live in.

  19. Tell people you love them, never live with regret there.

  20. Unexpected love is wonderful.

  21. Never stop learning.

  22. Don’t be afraid to change your mind we are all evolving and growing.

  23. Doing the inner work is transformative.

  24. Honour all of your emotions.

  25. Remembering you are enough is the key.

  26. Realising that I’m not too much, was healing and is for anyone who feels that.

  27. You won’t be for everyone.

  28. Different people come to you at different stages of life.

  29. Sometimes people will surprise you and not always in good ways.

  30. Do things that bring you joy regularly.

  31. Laughter is seriously healing.

  32. Understanding your nervous system is transformative and changed my life.

  33. Learning to feel safe in your body is so important.

  34. Balance is the key as cliche as that sounds.

  35. Learning to expressive yourself properly will change your life.

  36. Daily gratitude and appreciation is something I will never live without.

  37. Learn to meditate in a way that works for you, and commit to it.

  38. Be kind.

  39. Self care is vital (its more than a good bath, though a good bath is great).

  40. Owning your sexiness is a flex, and realising being sexy is a state of mind is the key.

I hope you enjoy my list.

I’d love to hear the things that you’ve learned over the years.

What are are your thoughts and views on ageing?

May we lean in, expand, meet ourselves where we are at always and continue to flourish.

All my love

Hannah X