Words of love ...

Dear Reader 

As we are in the official month of love and with “St Valentines” just around the corner, it always gets us all thinking of love.

This isn’t a post of ways or tips, this is simply some words of love as sometimes that’s just what we need. 

Are you feeling the love? 

As you read these words I am sending you love and invite you after reading this spread this chain of love to some one in your life.

I want to remind you that you enough and there is so much love inside of you which a lot of the time we don’t even realise. I know we hear this a lot so without meaning to be cliche ( even if it is who cares) let the words of this hit you in the heart like cupids arrow. 

We have been taught to be hard, to harden up and get on with it and not get lost in silly fantasy’s and dreams of love. Here’s your reminder to let yourself soften, its only when we do this we are able to let love in. 

We may often question what is love, as it’s such a subjective thing based on our own experiences which have us creating the story of what love is to us. 

Unravel this story …. What’s your love story? 

Let yourself write a new one, that feels so good in your body and your nervous system you will want to bring it to life. 

You are worthy of good love, so reclaim that and know that you are lovable just as you are, not how you think you should be. 

I know you may have been hurt in all manner of ways and this builds up walls around your heart, the only way around this is to knock those walls down. 

We can do this gently and with ease and we will find the love buried in there that we pushed down and forgot was there. I promise you no matter how impossible this may seem you can do this, in your own time. Healing takes love and often its building back the trust and learning to trust yourself with it all. 

We will all make mistakes in love and we have to be kind to ourselves because we won’t always get it right, but we will learn. Love will always expand us and remind of who we truly are, there is no right way other than to love openly and whole heartedly. 

Did you know the greatest love affair you will ever have is with yourself ?!?! 

Yes really, I know that can be hard to grasp but when we begin this affair and my goodness you can make it good, you will glow differently. You access the love inside of you and nurture that and love pours out of you like a waterfall. 

Remember that love remains beyond death and it’s the feeling we remember from that person and that is so powerful. 

Lastly, tell the people in your life you love them and appreciate them, water all the different relationships with love this helps them grow. 

Let these words plant the seeds of love within you. 

In the words of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet: 

Piglet “ Pooh how do you spell love?”

Pooh “ You don’t spell love you feel it”

Sending you the reader all the love 

Hannah X