Eight reflections from 2020...........

Eight reflections from 2020...........

There’s no denying 2020 has been one intense year, where people have been feeling the hit from all angles and many people’s world have been turned upside down. 

We’ve certainly had to dig deep and surrender to what’s been going on, and redefine the things we’ve wanted to do and do them differently. 

Of course some people have thrived too, finding ways to ride the waves of this very strange year. 

However this year has been for you, I believe of the importance of reflection, it allows us to integrate what has been and move forward. 

For me personally having had the last twenty years living with a condition that has impacted my life in many ways, I found myself having to apply all I learnt over years and implement it.

Here’s my eight reflections of 2020……                               

  1. We are more adaptive and resilient than we think, having had to bring so much online. Even change the way we meet up, we found that we are able to do it and make it work. Of course this doesn’t mean face to face isn’t the best, I know it’s certainly my favourite thing to do. However at least technology has allowed us to do this and know that it’s possible. 

  2. The little things really make the difference, over the years this is something I’ve always drawn strength on. Finding the things that make you more comfortable, and feel good are vital in making a difference to our wellbeing, let’s face it good wellbeing is key. Being consistent with this over time will allow you to feel more in your centre and able to cope with life’s difficulty’s.   

  3. In tough times we often witness acts of kindness from others, as it’s known the science behind kindness has real benefits. 

    Kindness really does matter.

    I certainly know this year the acts of kindness I’ve received really have made all the difference. What magic that we can also pay kindness forward, something I’ve done this year too.

  4. We can still achieve our goals and intentions during challenging circumstances, for instance I wanted to send a weekly news letter and a few other things. This was something I got off the ground this year, nothing feels better than achieving the things you set out to do. 

    We can always find our way around things.

    If you want to sign up to my newsletter you can do so here and get a free meditation too. 


    Of course some of those things may need adapting but it is possible never forget that. 

  5. Gratitude and having a gratitude practice is such a supportive tool, during all times. It allows us to feel the gratitude for the little and big things. Doing this consistently really does help and its a great way to raise your vibration.

    But also to feel good, when we direct our focus towards the things we are grateful for, it shifts our state. I’m not suggesting by passing the things you need to look at, but gratitude and appreciation will certainly boost your life. This year it’s been so helpful for me to do on a daily basis.

  6. You can still heal in difficult times, and work through stuff as it comes up. As we all know the healing process isn’t linear, in fact it’s a rollercoaster ride. We tend to think healing can only be done if the scenario is right. The opportunity to embrace healing and all its processes is always there, I mean this for the physical and non physical healing.

    This year where we’ve found ourselves in has meant we’ve had to adapt and be willing to look at things differently. Therefore embracing where we are at and meeting ourselves there and working from that space. 

  7. The importance of staying in your own lane and running your own race, everyone copes differently and this year has highlighted how focusing on your process rather than others will get you through things. 

    Else we find ourselves comparing ourselves to another in how they are coping, this won’t serve in any way other than making ourselves feel rubbish if we are struggling. Find what works for as this is what matters. 

    Running your own race is key and this is vital to take through to next year. 

  8. Structure and routine can be super helpful when we find ourselves in the situation we found ourselves in this year. This stops the days blurring into one, else things can become lacking in purpose. 

    Often we can end up feeling more out of control and fatigued, and at times you can find yourself over doing it or not feeling motivated at all because theres no structure in place. We all react differently to routine therefore its important to find your own rhythm, I certainly know this helps and works. 

    Even with the smallest things, for instance when I have my daily coffee I take myself to a different place in the room and sit down separating from the other things I've been doing. Like a daily ritual as if I’ve gone out for one, this may sound silly and small but it really does make a difference, its knowing that shifting our state really does help. 

    I’m not suggesting being rigid all the time, but having this as a strong foundation, is a supportive mechanism to put in place especially if you are at home a lot. 

These are just some reflections from this I could go on, but these are some key things I’ve been reflecting on as the year draws to a close.

I would love to hear what you think of these reflections and if there’s anything you’ve been reflecting on from this year just gone.  

Of course I didn’t put above, but lastly lots of self care, friendship and laughter are true medicine. I certainly know my year would have been far greyer without this, especially with what we have been through this year. 

2020 has definitely not been the greatest in a lot of ways, however I’m grateful I’ve been safe and for the kindness from those around me and for all the support I’ve had. 

Thank you for reading my blog and for all the support, it’s always appreciated. 

All my love 

Hannah X