The magic of the Solstice's ....


Twice a year we have these magical Solstice points, Summer and Winter. Here in the northern hemisphere we are experiencing the Summer solstice right now, whereas the southern it’s the Winter.

The sun reaches its maximum in the Summer solstice making it the longest day of the year and the minimum in the winter solstice making it the shortest day, meaning the sun is at it highest or lowest point in the sky at these times. These cycles happen and continue year in year out no matter what we are doing or what’s going on for us. This is the thing with the cycles of nature they happen whether we are doing or not, which in a way is reassuring and a constant.

The points throughout the wheel of the year as it turns with the seasons, allow us and remind us to pause and reflect. To observe this constant in our lives, to see where we are at, some times our own personal season may not be alignment with the actual season which is fine as we have to honour the season we are in.

But being aware of natures seasons allow us to have to check in with where we are at and observe the season we are in. It maybe as we enter a season we are really called to shift where we are at as we definitely feel different with each physical season.

It’s worth noting that a business can even have seasons and women with their menstrual cycle each month have inner seasons as they move through their cycle each month.

I’ve found comfort in following the changes in seasons of the year with my health challenges, it always reminded me of something bigger than me and to honour life and its cycles.

Watching nature change is such a magical thing I personally find, it encourages us to look at our relationship with surrender as nature happens no matter what or how we try and control things.

So here’s your invitation to look stop, reflect and pause as we pass through the solstice whatever hemisphere you are in.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What does this season mean to me?

  • What are you feeling right now?

  • What are you feeling in your body, how is it feeling?

  • How are you feeling about yourself?

  • Where are you at in your life?

  • What do you need to let go of?

  • What do you want to call in?

  • What can you give yourself more of?

  • Does your life feel in alignment right now?

  • What do you need to celebrate (this is so important we forget to celebrate ourselves)?

  • What are you grateful for ( make that list feel that appreciation)?

  • Where were you at six month’s ago in the previous solstice?

  • Are you taking care of yourself and taking time, and if not what small changes could you make even if minimal?

Taking time to check in with this points will give you space to reflect and see where you are at, you don’t even need to go into great detail. I appreciate we all live busy lives, so it doesn’t need to be overwhelming.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, I hope you enjoy the magic of the light and the longest day of the year. With everything out in full bloom, it’s a very celebratory time, celebrate with others or even celebrate yourself. Enjoy the lighter evenings and warmer weather, get out in nature, I appreciate those of us in the UK this can be a mix and I can hear you all of you Uk readers laughing as we’ve all had to have the summer barbecue indoors because of dodgy weather.

A note to remember as well, Summer can feel very heady, so to avoid burn out its always important recognise we don’t need to do everything at once. We have the whole season!

Happy Summer or Winter solstice blessings wherever you are in the world.

I’d love to hear about your relationship with the season change, do you have a favourite, do you honour this or barely give it a thought.

Share with me here.

All my love

Hannah X