The magic prescription ...

We all think a prescription is something we get going to the doctors.

Its time to shift that perspective to expanding our ideas of a prescription!

Wouldn’t it be good to make our own prescription of things that are good for us to do for ourselves, so basically a self love/care prescription. 

Imagine bi weekly writing yourself a prescription for these things. 

Prioritising doing something like this will only benefit you in positive ways. Think of it as the medicine you need to enhance your life.

When we look after ourselves the butterfly affect of this spreads to those around and even the work we are doing. In a word it shifts the energy and you will feel better.

I suggest doing it this way as when we create something like this it changes our mindset around something. Imagine yourself sitting down writing your prescription with the things you need and how good this will feel. Getting into routine and rhythm doing some thing like this re wires our brain patterns over time. 

We create change in our lives with the consistent small things as well as the bigger things, plus when we operate from an over flowing cup we notice the difference. You will avoid burn out and your nervous system is more regulated. Which in the long term makes us function better and handle things better. 

It may sound indulgent writing yourself out a prescription of care, but lets look at it the other way. When we aren’t looking after ourselves this never just stops at us, of course our bodies and mind feel it. But more often than not this affects our relationships, our work and even how communicate.

So making something like this part of your life is a positive thing and will move you into more alignment with yourself. 

The act of doing something like this makes us more willing to follow through, let’s put it this way I’d rather have this prescription than the prescription I collected monthly from my doctors.

Doing this for me has been so therapeutic and its meant I’m really thinking about what I need and therefore this leads to listening to my body to. When we start meeting ourselves like this, it shifts the way we think about ourselves and connects us to ourselves on a deeper level. This improves understanding with the people around us and positively impacts them too. 

The important thing is to make that prescription work for you and design it to fit in with your life. The great thing is you can alter it as needed to adapt to what’s going on in your life, I mean how good is that.

Theres no right or wrong here, which is what makes it magical.

We think of magic as something miraculous, its not just that its practical magic like this which brings more magic to your life. 

If we are running on empty and are drained this has a direct impact on not only our physical health but our mental health. So doing a practise like this brings positive benefits to your mental wellness, which is vital for us all. 

So here’s your invitation to write yourself out a prescription, it could be monthly, weekly or bi weekly. Find what works for you and share with me how you get on, in our busy lives pausing and doing something like this allows to reset and refill. 

What does your prescription look like?

All my love 

Hannah X