Feelings and feedback .....

Feelings and feedback .....

Feelings are feedback….

Read those words again and let them sink in. 

I get it, feelings can be uncomfortable and it’s sometimes easy to ignore or avoid them, but actually when we choose to look at the uncomfortable feelings differently, and allow them to be the feedback we need, to create a shift or make a change it’s powerful place to be in. 

We are always feeling something in response to our lives and much of the time theres a misalignment to what we are feeling and where we want to be. 

The tricky thing is, we find ourselves believing we have to accept this because of x,y or z, in others words we place complications in the way. 

This isn’t to say these things may not be real a lot of the time because they are, but we can use the feelings we have and the feedback we get from them to make choices and decisions about the situation we may find ourselves in. 

Of course this may take time or there maybe processes to go through but the key thing here is, that the feedback from those feelings led you this place. 

Do you see how important that feedback is from our feelings? 

It’s massive, but as humans we will often try to push it aside, so how can we look at this differently. 

Well, the thing that under pins this is intuition and trust, learning to trust that feedback from your feelings is what’s important here. 

Trusting ourselves is something a lot of us struggle with because we spend most of our lives since childhood putting our trust in others, systems and the outside programming that comes with adult life too. We give the outside so much power that our trust muscle is pretty weak, so when those feelings come up with the feedback we doubt them, we question them or we stuff them back down. Or we go to others and seek there opinions even if they ask us what does your heart say, we instantly push this aside. 

So it begins with strengthening our trust in learning to recognise those feelings that are giving us the feedback and then use this as something we can take action on, and that what we are getting from this feed back is positive. 

Start small is my suggestion and test it, thats how we see the feedback from the choices we make.

Then you can build on bigger things and get to a place of having a symbiotic relationship with your feelings that bring the feedback you need and you can learn to trust it. 

Once we do this, we learn to know when we are aligned with this or when it goes wrong and we don’t let that be a set back, and lets face it we won’t always get it right but that’s the feedback right there, that clearly that it wasn’t for you and to listen to that and the fact that you tried and then you got that feedback from this what you needed.

This allows you to begin to really listen to your feelings and the messages they are trying to tell you so you can join all the dots together. 

I have a note book I call my feedback diary where I journal, the messages that I’m getting, this is a really good way to connect all the dots together and see a pattern, and how powerful the feedback from your feelings are.

Lastly doing practises such a mindfulness or meditation is a great way to get present with your feelings and gain awareness to the feedback you get because you become still and quiet so there’s space to listen to the feedback. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and how connected you are to your feelings. 

All my love 

Hannah X 

Ps Are you signed up to my news letter for weekly wisdom drops and cheeky giveaways, there’s a free when you do.
