Five ways to optimise mercury retrograde ....

Five ways to optimise mercury retrograde ....

As I write this we are in the last mercury retrograde of this year, you may well be reading this at another time but this piece will be relevant for whenever you read this. 

Mercury retrograde is when the planet mercury goes backwards from earths view point via an optical illusion so it doesn’t go literally backwards, but it slows down and we feel it. 

Mercury is the planet of communication so we often blame mercury during this time for technology and communication issues and all the things that go wrong around this. It happens three times a year, so least you have something to blame if something does go wrong during this particular retrograde LOL!

Please note too that every planet has retrogrades, some are more felt than others and more talked about, though this year many of the retrogrades have been felt more deeply .

2020 has felt intense in every way for everyone, and this has even been felt on an astrological level. 

Everything has felt harsher, the only way to describe it would be ripping a band aid off and then rubbing some salt into the wound. 

Here’s five ways to optimise mercury retrograde that I find helpful :

  1. Everything feels tired, heavier and slower during mercury often, we don’t make the correlation but it’s the perfect time to look at how you rest and how you can bring some more positive rest into your life to get the best out of yourself, and use this going forward, good rest is a great way to optimise yourself in the long term. When we are called to slow down its important to listen to that, we all need to take time out. 

  2. There’s a saying not to commit or make big decisions during mercury retrograde, the great thing with this is it allows you to really sit with something so you can see if its the right thing to do. Often we rush into things, so its a great way to optimise decision making or a commitment no matter how big or small. Of course this may not be always possible to wait but if you can I would wait, because you may feel differently about decision after the retrograde is over. 

  3. Do a life audit, when we slow down and reflect it allows us to see whats in alignment for us and what’s no longer working. It’s the perfect time to do this, the power of mini resets throughout the year are never to be underestimated.

  4. As mercury is known for communication issues, this is the perfect time to look at how you communicate and where you can improve this. Sometimes its not always about doing more, it maybe that you need to get quieter, and to not give so much. Communication issues are frustrating at the best of times, so using what could be seen as a negative situation to turn it around and to learn from it is a great way to optimise a situation. If technology is breaking down, you can use it as the perfect time to take a break, or review your relationship with it which will no doubt be positive in the long term. (Also with technology issues you may want to have a good scream about it all as its so frustrating because sometimes thats what we need to do too.)

  5. Lastly mercury can be known to bring up our old emotional stuff which can be tough, but the benefits of things feeling slower is that it gives us time to really look things and how we communicate internally with ourselves and what we can do to heal, this is where using the time to rest comes in to because rest helps us heal too. We can use this period to emerge from mercury realigned with this and that we have purged some of this old emotional stuff, which is always a good thing.

I hope the above is helpful and something to reflect upon how you can optimise this period.

Our perspective of something always reflects how we deal with something, so by allowing a positive perspective it will most definitely support you and that doesn’t mean by passing the negative stuff that comes up but in how you approach it. 

Now of course you may breeze through this time and that’s great but if you are, but remember life isn’t linear and actually having these times are positive ways to review, reflect and to realign which is something we all need. 

Lastly the one the best things we can do to support ourselves during these times is meditation, theres a free one when you sign up to my newsletter which is a weekly wisdom drop with no spam. Link below here, and it’s a clearing grounding one, try it everyday for a week you will notice a difference.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I’m wishing you the reader all the good vibes, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic so do share with me. 

All my love 

Hannah X