Intentional Joy ...


As December begins, it gets busy and can be full of fun, but it can often be a challenging and triggering time for some people and for some they don’t celebrate at all. There’s no right way here life is your own personal journey and what you make of it. You may be going through a personally tough time and just don’t feel it. We also live in a world with so many challenging things occurring it can feel too much for some people.

Stay in your lane with all of this and honour all your feelings, this is very important.

I personally love the festive season and all the things around it down to the food, decorations and music, and even wearing my multitude of Christmas jumpers.

As I mentioned above it can get so busy we can lost in all and it can become exhausting or we feel like we are chasing our tails rather than enjoying and taking it all in.

This is where pausing, and getting intentional is the key, and leading with joy here will shift things for you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed the first thing to do is to look at what you can control and what you can’t. Make a list of this, and list the importance of the things you can control and how you're going to approach them.

Next if you’re able ask for help or delegate anything that you feel you need help with, I appreciate this isn’t always possible.

Look at the space you have in your life for joy and fun, this is where you need to get intentional and feed it into your life in a way that works for you. Remember that creating space helps us expand, even though creating space can feel a challenge as we are so used to filling gaps. So go gently with this and ease it into your nervous system too.

Rather than making joy it low down your priority list, realise it will help nourish all aspects of your life when you invite it in. Joy raises the vibration in your life, and can bring glimmers of light and goodness into your life in during the tough times.

Getting intentional with Joy has saved me during the tough times and hear me out, you may be thinking I don’t have it in me when things are tough. The truth is this is actually when we need to dig deep and reach for it, as its always going to be easier to when times are lighter and going well.

Even when things are going well, we still need to get intentional with it and make the time for joy as thats when we tend to be busy, it’s just that it’ll feel easier to do than the tough times.

I invite you to think about what brings you joy and how does joy feel in your nervous system,  most of us will feel we have to earn it when actually its quite the opposite and we need to change this narrative and recode it into our nervous system.

What has your joy story been?

What would it feel like to release it?

What does that look like?

Does it feel safe to do this?

What does your new story look like?

How does that feel in your nervous system?

Have a think about these questions and how you can approach them.

Then it’s time to get intentional and bring daily joy into your life, and in times of struggle let this be light the guides you in the darkness. You’ll be surprised to feel this shift and how it can impact you in the long term.

I hope everyones December is ok, and I’d love to hear about how you approach being intentional with joy and how you weave it in your life.

All my love

Sending Blessings

Hannah X