The magic of Winter ...


Winter gets bad rap, from being cold, dark, and some people feel it’s a more difficult season.

But what if we were to look at it differently, this allows us to optimise the season and get the best out of it and let it benefit us rather than hinder us. There is joy to be found in every season and we can use it optimise our lives.

We need to find our version of magic in it and change the story around it so it feels better for you.

What’s your current story about winter?

What would a new story look like ?

How does this feel to embody in your nervous system?

We are cyclic by nature, though we tend to run our lives on a 24 hr 365 days clock, not taking into consideration the seasons and our own rhythms, and this seasonal nature reflects on us too as we move through life and its called the inner seasons, we can personally be in different seasons of our life like I’ve spoken about before.

We are now heading to Winter Solstice her in the northern hemisphere another turn in the wheel of the year.

I will link for summer here for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year, it marks the exact moment the earth is tilted farthest away from the sun. From this point we then mark the journey back returning to light days with the days starting to get longer to peak at Summer Solstice in June.

Winter Solstice symbolises rebirth, renewal, hope as we return to the light.

It’s also a sacred moment to pause and reflect either side of solstices it’s a very still energy, in our busy often frenetic lives moments like this bring us back to ourselves and reconnect us when we mark it.

Take a moment to honour the darkness inside of yourself and where the light needs to come back on. Listen deeply the winter brings us to a space and point of listening to what are needs are, where needs nourishing.

Think about then seeds you want to plant deep in the ground to blossom in spring, and if you don’t know there’s no rush. Let your ideas and seeds take their own sacred time to land.

With the energy of rebirth and renewal take your time, to celebrate what has been and where you are at no matter what that is.

I like to light a candle for what’s releasing into the darkness and then light one for renewal and rebirth.

If you feel called write some things down and burn them and return the ashes to the earth.

I love to make a dinner of nourishment and celebration, if with others use this time to share gratitude for all you have a what has been.

Give your thanks for the season and for its blessings and lessons, remember a season isn’t permanent if it’s felt a tough one.

Take that gratitude further by making a list for yourself and feel that gratitude in your body and nervous system.

Get outside and celebrate the season too, obviously weather and health permitting, getting out in nature is a great way to connect with the season and get grounded.

As the wheel turns remember to be gentle, and ease into the next part of the season, there’s no need to rush.

Will you mark the season?

Winter Solstice blessings to all.

All my love

Hannah X