Sustainable Summer ...


Summer Solstice blessings here in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice blessings in the Southern Hemisphere I will link a blog post for you here as this post is about Summer.

Summer is marked by the longest day of the year, where the sun is at the highest point in the sky and we reach a still point and a place to pause either side of solstice day.

Summer Solstice is a time a celebration, basking in joy, the pagans mark the season focusing on fertility and the life giving power of the sun. The season is often marked with feasts, bonfires, dancing and reconnecting with nature.

As we cross over into summer we begin our decent back to the shortest day of the year in winter, it’s a great time to reflect where your were at in the previous Winter Solstice as it can help you to see what’s needed now. I suggest taking some time to do this and to release anything that isn’t serving you to create space for what needs to come in and in this space with the summer energy you can illuminate things that want in to bring in and illuminate with the light energy.

Celebrate with a gratitude ritual, let your cup over flow with gratitude and light a candle to mark the season

I love each year sharing about these points on the blog and different ways to understand the season changes and the importance of pausing and marking these points.

It’s a great way as the season changes to see where you are at, to really check in with what you need, to use the point as reset if you need to, the energy as we cross over each season is perfect reset energy. It’s always important to remember we don’t have to stay stuck and can start again with a mini reset.

It’s also important to reflect on what season of life you are personally in, this is something you may have never thought about. As we move through life, we move through different seasons which at times may feel challenging, for instance feeling in a winter phase in summer. However knowing this and embracing this can really serve us to optimise ourselves and our life, even in the tough phases.

Obviously each actual season we are actually in with calendar, each one has a different energy to work with so, therefore it’s always useful to harness this, along side where you currently are.

Summer can feel a very exciting energy it can be very easy to burn out and do everything rather than optimising the energy of the season, especially if you had a long tough winter for instance. I like to say make it a sustainable summer so by the time we get too Autumn we aren’t exhausted and feel a big release as we descend into the purging autumn energy.

Have a think about the following prompts below.

What do you need to release ?

What does Summer mean to you ?

What season are you in personally right now?

What does sustainability mean to you and how can you optimise this in your life right now?

What do you want to call in?

Let yourself sit with these questions and take a little bit of time for yourself no matter how small, when we set the intention to take sacred time like this it brings that energy forward.

Happy Summer Solstice, I hope this post is helpful and I love to hear what you are celebrating this summer and how you’re feeling.

All my love

Hannah X