This or something better ....


The saying “this or something better”, I just love as it always reminds me to remain open, especially when we really want something.

It reminds us that actually we may not get what we want because there’s actually something better.

You may be thinking, but do I want that “something better” because it isn’t what I actually wanted.

Which I totally get but as we all know with life we can’t be rigid and our ability to remain fluid and open is a real gift. Of course it may make us feel less out of control, but reframing things that something could be even better than you imagined, enables you to feel limitless and hopeful for possibility.

We are always seeking something even if we don’t always know it or have full awareness to it, therefore leading with the energy that some better and the perfect for us will align with us is always a good thing.

Before I go further I’m aware less than ideal things happen in life and life doesn’t always feel good, and I could go with saying there’s always something to learn etc and we are often led to good from crappy situations. Which of course has a place at times, but we don’t always need to hear that. I believe it’s important to align with our inner guidance and come to our own realisations, when the time is right, else it can all feel very self righteous and sometimes lets be honest shitty things just happen and we don’t need to gloss it over, we can learn to live in the space of it and then move forward in a better way for us.

Back to the saying it’s my invitation in this post for you to adopt this saying as you put things out there and to start applying it to your life, I appreciate it may take some mindset shifting and a willingness to look at things differently.

Of course like all the things, it has to feel safe in the body and nervous system for it truly land, so asking yourself on that level how does it truly feel.

I look back in my life and I see where this has happened and often why it has happened, which allows me to see and feel the evidence of being open to this and how magical it is to lean into this.

Next time you're putting something out there adopt this notion, or have a think right now while reading this where you can apply it.

How does it feel?

Really connect to that feeling and let it feel expansive.

We also have to lean into trust, something we all have a differing relationship with and something we all need to lean into, as so many of us deep down don’t even truly trust ourselves especially if we feel we have messed up, which is actually just being human.

Allowing trust to be part of that possibility of that "something better” is the key, and it feeling good like I said above in the nervous system.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t want what we want either, and of course sometimes things literally land like that. However from my experience life is definitely more fluid than that, and I can look back and see the something betters.

So remember wherever you are at and whatever you are putting out there in life, invite this expansiveness in and you may be surprised when something even better than you imagined comes along.

I’d love to hear how this lands with you?

Have you ever used this saying?

All my love

Hannah X