Seven ways to encourage blooming ..

We all bloom at different times and in different ways, there’s no set rules or a particular ways.

We also come into bloom at different times in our lives, depending on where we are at in a particular stage of our life cycle. Recognising we won’t be in bloom all the time is important too and it releases pressure on us, as it allows to realise nothing stays the same and the periods of time where things are falling away or the winter/death or rebirth phase are all as valid.

Over the years I’ve learnt to embrace the different phases and I think we have ones we love more than others, but I’ve found the key is to find the value in the different ones. This allows us to optimise where we are at in them and make them work for us rather than feel overwhelmed by where you are. If you do feel overwhelm which you can at any phase this too is valid and an understandable emotion to sometimes experience.  We have to remember our emotions are the bodies ways of talking to us and to indicate what’s going on.

Back to blooming, when we are in this phase or heading there, we don’t want to burn out thats for sure, we want to be present and encourage it and optimise things so we can really enjoy this phase.

Like a flower in full bloom, it’s a glorious feeling, and you are being seen that’s for sure.

When we are in this phase we want to encourage the blooming and for it to be sustainable, here are seven ways to support you you with this.

  1. Know what your needs are, this may sound obvious but we all thrive in different conditions and spaces, like flowers in a garden. So being clear on this to encourage optimal blooming makes all the difference.

  2. Remembering to stay present, rushing on to the next thing means you're not fully experiencing where you are at. Im all for planning ahead, but I know that the power of awareness and being present is key. This really helps you embody where you are at.

  3. Letting yourself be seen, this may feel a tricky one for some, but figure it out in the ways that will work for you. When you’re blooming let people see it so that they can engage.

  4. Self care is important this keeps you maintained and allows you to bloom with more ease, feel into the question “what does blooming feel like in your body and nervous system?”.

  5. Learning that surrender and letting go are key ingredients as strange as this may sound. Why, because this creates the space to let things bloom in the perfect way. When we try to control everything, there’s no space and this can hinder blooming. This of course is a fine balance, but to encourage blooming and to maintain it, this is important too. It allows us to trust the process, and remember there will always be things we can’t control.

  6. Releasing your limitations around things, helps with the blooming process as it removes those icky things we often place over things. We all have different relationships with expectations and being realistic, and it’s the balance of finding your centre with this. This doesn’t have to be crazy stuff and I appreciate in personal development we hear no limits etc, however I’m mean navigating this, to make sure you get out of your own way. But in the best way that works for you.

  7. Get support and help along where you need it, we aren’t good at everything and the best idea is to find where you thrive and work well and optimise that. Of course we sometimes have to do things that aren’t are strongest stuff and that’s life sometimes, but getting assistance or support where you can will indefinitely aide optimal blooming. This could even simply be a friend cheer leading you, the key is identifying where you could do with some help and figuring out what that would look like. This in no way is you failing or not being good enough, this is in fact an empowering thing.

I hope you find these ideas helpful and happy blooming, where ever you are at trust that phase.

I’d love to hear your relationship with this, and what you do to support yourself.

Reach out and et me know.

All my love

Hannah X