A Love Note


Dear Human

As we move through this beautiful, yet sometimes complex life with so many facets to it, we need reminders.

This is a gentle reminder to pause and see yourself beyond others' perceptions and your inner thoughts. Begin to listen to your heart, even if it's faint at first, as that voice will grow louder over time. Recognise that you are enough beyond societal standards, and it's time to reclaim your power. While achievements are commendable, they do not define you.

Embrace the fact that we all have unique paths, and what works for one may not work for another, and that's absolutely fine. Avoid the trap of constant comparison, as it hinders progress, remember comparison is a disease like a virus running throughout society. Reflecting on this and altering your perspective with comparison can greatly benefit you. Remember, comparison is cunning and may try to creep in when you least anticipate it.

Embracing your individuality, regardless of societal norms, will guide you on the right journey, and that's perfectly acceptable. You don't have to adhere to society's timelines; being a late bloomer is not a negative label. Trust in your own timing and journey, as it is always perfect, regardless of external opinions. These aren’t real rules on where you should be at but simply are created by society, we must remember this and stay in our lane, we get to define the rules for ourselves.

There is no true definition of success in reality, it’s actually what feels like success for you, this will look different for us all.

Remember that beauty is subjective; it's defined by others and what's currently trending. Embrace your unique definition of beauty, even if it differs from the norm. Ageing is inevitable, so embracing it instead of resisting it can lead to greater acceptance. Prioritise well-being over conforming to societal standards.

Your past doesn't define you; you have the power to heal and transform despite any negativity. Don't let shame or fear hinder your progress. Even the most challenging situations can be turned into something extraordinary. You can write your own story no matter where you are at, this doesn’t have to be some grand thing it could be very simple, what matters here is you are choosing the narrative.

While seeking inspiration is important, your self-worth matters the most. Recognise your value and realise that it's inherent, not based on external opinions or ideas.

Treat yourself with kindness during the journey of growth.

This love note is here to serve as a gentle reminder to be compassionate to yourself, trust your path, and navigate any obstacles with grace. Remember, you are deserving of love and kindness.

Let these words sink in and hold them in your heart.

All my love

Hannah X

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