Romance your life ....


When we talk about romanticising our lives, it may seem like just another trendy phrase or the latest fad. With Valentine's Day approaching, love and romance are everywhere - but is it all just a passing trend? Let's delve deeper into what this concept truly entails and whether it's achievable or merely social media content creators showcasing idealised lives that leave us feeling inadequate.

While many view simply getting through the day or week as a victory, being open to shifting perspectives can offer new insights. Life can be tough, so adopting a softer approach can provide much-needed support. It's essential to remember that personal experiences vary, and what works for one may not work for another.

I believe that embracing the idea of romanticising our lives can lead to positive changes. Take a moment to reflect on what this means for you and how embracing this notion could transform your life. Consider how it would feel and whether you feel comfortable and deserving of this shift in your body and nervous system.

To make this shift, you must be open to receiving and believe that you deserve to infuse romance into your life. Ultimately, the journey to romanticise your life begins within yourself.

Do you feel you deserve this?

I recommend starting small to maintain consistency, especially in ways that resonate with you. Consider how you can add softness and beauty to your life, creating a sense of romance from within. Take a look around your surroundings – what minor changes could you initiate first? Reflect on how you perceive yourself.

Do you keep your best clothes, lipstick or buy yourself flowers just for special occasions even if they would uplift your spirits?

While it's okay to save some items for special moments, sometimes we hesitate to use nice things or hold back from using our favourite mug just because we want to save it for an extraordinary event. These are merely examples, but I'm sure you understand the concept. It's not about the cost but rather our approach to things. Embrace those moments, slow down, and avoid rushing. Make positive choices for yourself, encompassing your mind, body, and soul in the process of infusing romance into your life. By exploring new activities and approaches, you can pave the way forward in a more fulfilling manner. This doesn't mean you won't encounter challenges, but if wearing your favourite lipstick and outfit brings you joy, embrace it.

Infusing romance into your life can support you on this journey. I'm all in for this idea – use your best mug, wear your cherished jewellery, or elevate the aesthetics of even the most practical items. I enjoy making these small enhancements in my life, infusing enchantment into the ordinary and letting it spread to other aspects of my life.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this?

Have you tried it?

Will you try it if you haven’t?

“Happy Valentines”

All my love

Hannah X